Triumph over Adversity: From Feminist Confrontation to Childhood Secrets, Empathy Saves a Cherished Friend

I was on party, feminists gang up on me, went through mental breakdown, came back to when I was little and thought that something horrible happened that why I can’t remember much from my childhood. A little disabled friend that seemed to be closed to me where ment to die in that vision but didn’t
It's quite a complex dream, so we'll break it down into parts.
The dream starts with you being on a party, which usually represents a social gathering or celebration. However, in this case, you feel threatened or intimidated by a group of feminist individuals. This might symbolize a feeling of vulnerability or insecurity in your waking life, specifically regarding your personal beliefs or values.
As a result of this encounter, you go through a mental breakdown. This suggests a need for emotional support or guidance in your current situation.
Then, you have a flashback to your childhood where you cannot remember much due to a traumatic event. This might represent feelings of uncertainty or confusion about your past and personal history.
Lastly, the dream concludes with your little disabled friend almost dying but ultimately surviving. This might represent a desire for someone close to you to pull through a challenging situation, or you overcoming an obstacle on your own.
In summary, this dream might signal a need to face your vulnerabilities and values, come to terms with past trauma, and muster the strength to overcome current obstacles.